Can we draw a graph with only cycles of length 5 through 9 with only 9 vertices?.

graph theory

Can we draw a graph with only 9 vertices with only cycles of length 5 through 9 ?

Draw a connected graph having exactly 9 vertices that has at least one cycle of each length from 5 through 9, but has no cycles of any other length.

Best Answer

Both trying to find such a graph and proving that it does not exist can be done by casework.

Start with the $9$-cycle, since there is only one way it can look. We need to add more edges to get more cycle lengths, and all options so far are equivalent: we connect two vertices at distance $4$ around the cycle.

If we add an arbitrary one of these edges, then several other options can be eliminated since they'd create a short cycle. All our remaining choices are drawn in red below:

edge options cycles

Now, it is easy to check all the remaining cases, and none of them produce all five cycle lengths we want.