Can three perpendicular bisectors determine a triangle


I would like to know if it is possible to determine the sides of a triangle given the lengths of the three perpendicular bisectors.
Assume that the three perpendicular bisectors intersect at $P$ and intersects $a, b, c$ respectively at $K, L, M$, and let the lengths of $PK, PL, PM$ be $p_a, p_b, p_c$ which is given. Is it possible to determine the lengths of $a, b, c$?

We know that
$$\frac {a^2}{4}+p_a^2=\frac {b^2}{4}+p_b^2=\frac {c^2}{4}+p_c^2=r^2$$
Where $r$ is the radius of the circumscribed circle.
Additionally, we have
And by substitution, we have
What to do next?

Best Answer

To incorporate all possible cases it is convenient to allow the values $p_i$ be signed, negative sign meaning that the side $i$ lies against the obtuse angle. There can be only one negative $p_i$ and it has to be the least of three by the absolute value. If all three $p_i$ are positive or the least by the absolute value is negative and two other are positive the solution always exists and is unique.

The finding of $a,b,c$ can be reduced to finding the circumradius $r$. For this one should solve the equation: $$ \arccos\frac{p_a}r+\arccos\frac{p_b}r+\arccos\frac{p_c}r=\pi.\tag1 $$ Using the formula $$ \cos(x+y+z)=\cos x\cos y\cos z-\cos x\sin y\sin z-\sin x\cos y\sin z-\sin x\sin y\cos z $$ one can after some straightforward algebra reduce the equation $(1)$ to: $$ r^3-3pr-2q=0.\tag2 $$ with $$ p=\frac{p_a^2+p_b^2+p_c^2}3,\quad q=p_a p_b p_c.\tag3 $$

This cubic equation has depressed form and can be easily solved. Since due to AM-GM inequality we have in general $$ -p^3+q^2\le0 $$ the equation has three real roots and we need the largest one.

The simplest way to represent the required soluton of $(2)$ is to use the trigonometric form: $$ r=2p^{1/2}\cos\left[\frac13\arccos\left(\frac q{p^{3/2}}\right)\right].\tag4 $$

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