Can this proof be done in $3-4$ lines? Or did I miss anything


It's a very popular theorem that,

" A bounded sequence $(x_n)$ is convergent iff $\limsup x_n=\liminf x_n.$"

The definition of $\limsup$ and $\liminf$ of a sequence that I am using are as follows:

If $(x_n)$ is a sequence in real number, then we define $\limsup x_n $ as the greatest subsequential limit of $(x_n)$ and $\liminf x_n$ is similarly the least subsequential limit of $(x_n).$

Note: The word subseqntial limit is used to refer to a limit of an arbitrary subsequence of the given sequence.

If $(x_n)$ is unbounded above then we define, $\limsup x_n=\infty$ and if it's unbounded below then, we define $\liminf x_n=-\infty.$

Strangely, I found a two pages proof of this! I feel it can be done in 3-4 lines.

Here is my approach:

If $(x_n)$ is convergent, then all the subsequences converges to the same limit and hence, $\liminf x_n=\limsup x_n$ immediately follows.

Conversely if $x_n$ is such that $\liminf x_n=\limsup x_n$ then, let us conisder an arbitrary subequence $(x_{n_k})$ that is convergent. Now, $\lim x_{n_k}=l$(say) then, $l\leq \limsup x_n$ and $l\geq \liminf x_n$ and it follows that, $l=\limsup x_n=\liminf x_n$. Again, since $x_{n_k}$ is an arbitrary sub sequence so, we have that every convergent subsequence converges at the same point. So, $ (x_n)$ converges at $\limsup x_n=\liminf x_n.$ This completes the proof.

Now, I am interested to know is my approach correct? Did I miss something while proving it. It might be erroneous, I don't know, but if it is, please do let me know.

Best Answer

Here is a critique of your attempt as requested. The first part of your proof is fine given the slightly altered (but equivalent) definition $\lim\inf x_n, \lim\sup x_n$ that you are using.

However, the second part has some steps missing. You did not show that $x_n$ converges to begin with. Rather, you showed that if a subsequence is already known to be convergent, its limit must be the common value of $\lim\inf x_n = \lim\sup x_n$. This is not quite enough to conclude that $x_n$ itself the converges. There are trivial non-convergent examples like $x_n=n$ that have no convergent subsequences to begin with so they vacuously satisfy the condition "all convergent subsequences converge to the same limit". Of course, the issue with such examples can be dismissed in this case because $\lim\inf x_n = \lim\sup x_n$ exist (which crucially implies that $x_n$ is bounded) but the proof needs to be expanded to address these subtler issues.