Can the “simple” equation $e^x=\log(x)$ be solved using algebra

algebra-precalculusclosed-formexponential functionlogarithms

I came across this really simple-looking yet astonishingly hard problem to solve:

I tried to use Lambert-W function, but I cannot get it to the required standard form. Even Wolfram Alpha just provides the numerical approximation. Is this solvable using any special functions?

Best Answer

Not algebraic, but maybe better than nothing. Assuming $\log=\ln$: In $$ e^x=\ln x \tag1 $$ multiply both sides with $x$: $$ xe^x=x\ln x \tag2 $$ and then apply Lambert-W on both sides using$^1$ $W(xe^x) = x$ and $W(x\ln x)=\ln x$:

$$ x=\ln x \tag 3 $$ Now $\ln (1/x) = -\ln x$ so we can divide by $x$ to get:

$$ -1=\frac1x\ln\frac1x \tag 4 $$ and then use $W(x\ln x)=\ln x$ again:

$$ W(-1)=W\left(\frac1x\ln\frac1x\right)=\ln\frac1x=-\ln x \tag 5 $$ hence $$ x = \exp (-W(-1)) \tag 6 $$ Wikipedia mentions the approximated $W_0(-1) \approx -0.31813+1.33723i$.

Now this is a bit sloppy w.r.t. to which branch is being considered, but it should be clear now how $(1)$ can be approached.

$^1$See for example Wikipedia