Can one prove non-trivial congruences of triangles without SAS or other congruence axioms


In math class, I was told we need to take SAS as an axiom, otherwise we could not prove any congruences besides a triangle and itself. Is that really true? Is there a model of Hilbert's Euclidean geometry axioms (minus SAS and other congruence axioms), where the only way for triangles to be congruent is for them to be the same triangle?

Best Answer

Without the SAS axiom, there is very little that constrains the congruence relation on angles; it just has to be an equivalence relation that satisfies the "copying an angle" axiom (given any angle, there is a unique congruent angle on a given side of any ray). So, you could start with the usual model $\mathbb{R}^2$ of Hilbert's axioms (or $\mathbb{R}^3$ if you are doing the 3-dimensional version), and then redefine its angle congruence relation in some nasty way that still satisfies the copying axiom. For instance, suppose that for each $P\in\mathbb{R}^2$ you specify a bijection $A_P:(0,\pi)\to(0,\pi)$. Then you could define an angle $\alpha$ at a point $P$ to be congruent to an angle $\beta$ at a point $Q$ iff $A_P(a)=A_Q(b)$, where $a$ and $b$ are the usual radian angle measures of $\alpha$ and $\beta$, respectively.

In particular, by choosing all these bijections $A_P$ one element at a time by a transfinite recursion of length $\mathfrak{c}$, you can arrange that there are no non-equal triangles that are congruent. At each step where you need to define a new value of some $A_P$, there are fewer than $\mathfrak{c}$ different triangles whose angles you have already specified, and so you can pick a value that avoids repeating any of those angles. Similarly, at each step where you need to define a new value of some $A_P^{-1}$ (to make sure each $A_P$ is surjective), you can choose it to avoid being equal to the angle measure in any triangle with $P$ as a vertex such that you have already chosen the other two angles.

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