Can I solve this recurrence using the Fast Fibonacci transform

fibonacci-numberslinear algebramatricesrecurrence-relationsrecursion

Write a program to calculate the total number of strings that are made of exactly N characters. None of the strings can have "13" as a substring. The strings may contain any integer from "0-9", repeated any number of times.

From above question I derived a recursive equation which gives total "13" s as follow:

$$F_{n} = 10F_{n-1} + 10^{n-2} – F_{n-2}$$

I am trying to solve the problem using Fast Fibonacci Transform with O(logn) time complexity as described in this link.

Taking reference to this post I tried to convert the obtained recursive equation into matrix recursive form:

I need to find A such that:

$$\begin{bmatrix} F_n \\\ F_{n-1} \end{bmatrix} = A \begin{bmatrix} F_{n-1} \\\ F_{n-2} \end{bmatrix}$$

But because of the presence of 10n-2 I am not getting the constant.

My $A$ looks like the following:

$$ A = \begin{bmatrix} 10 & -10^{n-2} \\\ 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix}$$

Thus matrix $A$ is not constant.

What should I do in this case?
Please shed some light

Best Answer

The removal of the exponential term may be done by finding a particular solution to the recurrence. Letting $F_n=C\times10^n$, one has




and thus we may consider $F_n=G_n-10^n$ to get




and in terms of the original sequence,
