Can I narrow the search range in seeking solutions for equations

algebra-precalculuselementary-number-theorypolynomialspythagorean triples

I got help here with a formula to find Pythagorean triples given only area. Using Euclid's formula, $Area = D=m^3 n-mn^3\quad$ the final equations are:


where $$\lfloor\sqrt[4]{D}\rfloor\le m\le \lceil\sqrt[3]{D}\space \rceil$$

Given an area $D$, any value of $m$ that yields an integer for one-or-more of $n_0, n_1, n_2$ provides the $m,n$ values that identify a triple that has area $D$. The limits I show are heuristic; I found them by experimentation in a spreadsheet. I would like to justify them with something more than, "they work", but I can't and I would also like to do better if possible.

Are there logical reasons for my limits? and Is there a way to narrow the search or is this as good as it gets?

Best Answer

The value $m$ needed to create a triple with a given area magnitude is higher when

$m^3(1)-m(1)^3-D=0\quad$ than when $\quad m^3 (m - 1) - m (m - 1)^3 - D = 0$

but it is smallest when $n\approx\frac{m}{2}.\quad $ The limits found by solving with $(m,m/2)$ and then with $(m,1)$ are

$$\bigg\lfloor\sqrt[4]{\frac{8P}{3}}\bigg\rfloor\le m \le \frac{\sqrt[3]{\sqrt{3} \sqrt{27 D^2 - 4} + 9 D}}{\sqrt[3]{2} \sqrt[3]{3^2}} + \frac{\sqrt[3]{\frac{2}{3}}}{\sqrt[3]{\sqrt{3} \sqrt{27 D^2 - 4} + 9 D}}$$

and the search can be limited, as indicated by one of the other posters, by using only the factors of $D$ within this range.