Can eigenvectors be scaled and still be eigenvectors

eigenvalues-eigenvectorslinear algebramatricesvector-spacesvectors

Given the matrix:

A =
2 & 0 \\
1 & 4

The eigenvalues are:

$$λ_1 = 2,$$

$$λ_2 = 4.$$

To find the eigenvectors:

$$v_1 = \operatorname{nullity}(A – λ_1I),$$

$$v_2 = \operatorname{nullity}(A – λ_2I).$$

Which yielded the following eigenvectors for $v_1$:

v_1 =

However, I have seen this alternative eigenvector for $v_1$:

v_1 =

Question: Are both eigenvectors for $v_1$ correct? In other words, can you scale an eigenvector by any real number and it still be an eigenvector of that matrix?

This would make sense, as I believe we are only really interested in the direction (eigenvectors) and the factor by which the matrix scaled (eigenvalues). Thus, I would argue that the magnitude of the values within an eigenvector are meaningless. For example, the following eigenvector for $v_1$ is just as correct:

v_1 =

Which perhaps begs the question:

Why aren't these called eigenvalues and eigendirections?

Best Answer

A formal proof of this statement could be the following: Let $A$ be a square matrix with eigenvector $v$ and eigenvalue $\lambda$ (i.e. $Av = \lambda v$). We would like to show that $cv = x$ is also an eigenvector, where $c \neq 0$ is a constant. This follows from

$$Ax = A(cv) = c (Av) = c (\lambda v) = \lambda (cv) = \lambda x.$$

Note that the case $c = 0$ has to be excluded since $x = 0$ is by definition never an eigenvector.