Can divisibility rules for digits be generalized to sum of digits


Suppose that we are given a two digit number $AB$, where $A$ and $B$ represents the digits, i.e 21 would be A=2 , B=1. I wish to prove that the sum of $AB$ and $BA$ is always divisible by $11$.
My initial idée was to use the fact that if a number is divisible by $11$ then the sum of its digits with alternating sign is also divisible by 11. For example
$$1-2+3-3+2-1=0 $$
so $11$ divides $123321$. So my proof would then be to consider the two digit number $(A+B)(B+A)$ or $CC$ which clearly is divisible by $11$ by the above statement if $C$ is $1$ through $9$. However, I am having truble justifying the case were $A+B$ is greater than or equal to $10$ and it got me wondering if the more generel is true: Let $ABCD…$ be a $n-digit$ number, if $$A-B+C-… \equiv 0 (mod \ 11)$$
then $$S=\sum_{k=1}^{n}(A+B+C+…)10^{k} \equiv0(mod \ 11)$$
I am not really familliar with the whole congruence thingy, so incase the above is trivial I would be greatful on some source which could aid the solving of the above . Any tips or suggestion are also very welcome

Best Answer

It's simpler than you are making it...and no congruences are needed:

We have $$\overline {AB}=10A+B \quad \&\quad \overline {BA}=10B+A$$

It follows that $$\overline {AB}+\overline {BA}=11\times (A+B)$$ and we are done.