Can Brezis’s Ex 3.9 be generalized to arbitrary subset $M$ of $E$


I'm doing Ex 3.9 in Brezis's book of Functional Analysis.

Let $E$ be a Banach space; let $M \subset E$ be a linear subspace, and let $f \in E'$. Prove that there exists some $g \in M^{\perp}$ such that
\left\|g-f\right\| = \alpha :=\inf_{h \in M^{\perp}}\left\|h-f\right\| .

In my below proof, I don't use the the fact that $M$ is a linear subspace. It seems to me this hold for any subset $M$ of $E$. Could you have a check on my attempt?

I posted my proof separately so that I can accept my own answer and thus remove my question from unanswered list. If other people post answers, I will happily accept theirs.

Best Answer

There is a sequence $(h_n)$ in $M^{\perp}$ such that $\|h_n -f\| \searrow \alpha$. It follows that $(h_n)$ is bounded by some $\beta \in \mathbb R_{>0}$. Let $B := (h_n)$. Then $B$ is a subset of the closed ball $\beta B_{E'}$ which is compact in weak$^\star$ topology $\sigma(E',E)$ by Banach–Alaoglu theorem. Then the weak$^\star$ closure $\overline{B}^\star$ is also compact in $\sigma(E',E)$. Also, the map $h \mapsto \|h-f\|$ is lower semi-continuous in $\sigma(E',E)$. Hence there is $g \in \overline{B}^\star$ such that $$ \|g-f\| = \inf_{h\in \overline{B}^\star} \|h-f\|. $$

It remains to show that $\overline{B}^\star \subseteq M^{\perp}$. It suffices to show that $M^{\perp}$ is closed in $\sigma(E',E)$. Let $(h_d)$ be a net in $M^{\perp}$ such that $h_d \overset{\ast}{\rightharpoonup} h\in E'$. This implies $0=\langle h_d, x \rangle \to \langle h, x \rangle$ for all $x\in M$. So $\langle h, x \rangle=0$ for all $x\in M$ and thus $h\in M^{\perp}$. This completes the proof.