Can an error be found in this proof of Gödel’s incompleteness theorem


Can you find a division by zero error in the following short proof of Gödel's incompleteness theorem?

First a little background. $\text{G($a$)}$ returns the Gödel number of the formula $a$. As in Gödel's proof the primitive recursive funtion $\text{Z}(a)$ returns the Gödel number of the number $a$ of the formal system. Example: $\text{Z}(2) =\text{G}(\underline{2})=\text{G}(S(S(0)))$.

The primitive recursive function $\text{Sb($a$, $v_1$|$\text{Z}(y)$)}$ corresponds to the substitution of the formal system's number $y$ in the place of free variable $v_1$ in the formula that corresponds to number $a$. Example:
$\text{Sb($\text{G}(v_1=0)$, $v_1$|$\text{Z}(2)$)}=\text{G}(v_1=0[v_1|\underline{2}])=\text{G}(\underline{2}=0)$.

The primitive recursive relation $x\text{B}y$ says that number $x$ corresponds to a sequence of formulas that proves the formula corresponding to number $y$. $\text{Provable}$ is then equivalent to $\exists x: x\text{B}y$.

And now to the actual proof. We assume that in the system $P$ primitive recursive relations are representable.

One of the following relations hold for any number $x$ corresponding to a formula with free variable $v_1$, either the formula corresponding to number $x$ with its free variable substituted by $y$ is provable or not:

$\text{Provable}(\text{Sb}(x,v_1\space|\text{Z}(y)))$ or $\neg \text{Provable}(\text{Sb}(x,v_1\space|\text{Z}(y)))$

Let formal system formula $r=\text{$\neg$Provable}(\text{Sb}(v_1,v_1\space|\text{Z}(v_1))$, where $v_1$ is the free variable. The formula is definable in $P$ since it's a primitive recursive relation with an added quantifier. Choose $x=G(r)$, $y=G(r)$. Now consider the first case:

$\text{Provable}(\text{Sb}(x,v_1\space|\text{Z}(x)))\Rightarrow P\vdash r[v_1|\underline{\text{G}(r)}] \Rightarrow P \vdash \neg \text{Provable}(\text{Sb}(\underline{x},v_1\space|\text{Z}(\underline{x})))\Rightarrow \neg \text{Provable}(\text{Sb}(x,v_1\space|\text{Z}(x)))$

The last line comes from assuming that $P$ is consistent and doesn't prove falsities. And as such, a contradiction! Therefore the second case $\neg \text{Provable}(\text{Sb}(x,v_1\space|\text{Z}(x)))$ must hold, and $r[v_1|\underline{\text{G}(r)}]$ is true but unprovable!

Best Answer

Once all technical details are filled in,$^1$ this seems to be just the usual argument.

In particular, from your comment "in the proof consistency is assumed, not $\omega$-consistency as in Gödel's," I think what you're trying to do is optimize the hypotheses on $P$ without invoking Rosser's trick, but you haven't done so. The dangerous phrase is

The last line comes from assuming that $P$ is consistent and doesn't prove falsities.

You're not just assuming that $P$ is consistent, but also that it is sound. This is a very strong assumption, in fact strictly stronger than Godel's assumption of $\omega$-consistency.$^2$

Just in case, let me summarize the standard argument. As far as I can tell yours is ultimately the same, but let me know if I'm missing something:

  • We start by proving that every p.r. function is representable in our theory and that the relevant operations/relations are p.r. We have some flexibility here. In particular, you'll often see instead an argument that proves that every computable function is representable and then invokes Church's thesis; however, that last bit isn't truly rigorous. Personally I think that the representability of all computable functions is fundamental and worth proving even on its own.

  • We then prove the diagonal lemma. You've essentially done what Godel did here and simply proved the specific case we need - the general diagonal lemma wasn't proved until Bernays, a few years later - but in my opinion there's no reason to not prove it; it's important, it's short, and we're in the neighborhood.

  • We can now write a sentence asserting its own $P$-unprovability, which because of the soundness of $P$ must be $P$-unprovable and hence true.

$^1$Namely, the first bulletpoint in my summary.

$^2$Incidentally both of these are stronger than what you actually need to run the argument with literally no change, namely $\Sigma_1$-soundness. This is indeed strictly stronger than consistency, since (by GIT) $PA$ + "$PA$ is inconsistent" is consistent (unless PA is inconsistent) but not $\Sigma_1$-sound. And of course any amount of soundness implies consistency, since $0=1$ is false.