Can a simply connected manifold satisfy $M\simeq M\times M?$


Let $M$ be a simply connected, (finite dimensional) smooth manifold. Is it possible that $M$ is homotopy equivalent to $M\times M,$ without $M$ being contractible? This would imply $\pi_n(M)\times\pi_n(M)\cong \pi_n(M)$ fo all $n\in\mathbb{N}.$ I know there are groups which satisfy $G\cong G\times G,$ however I don't know if it can happen for homotopy groups of manifolds.

According to, if even one nontrivial homotopy group is finitely generated, this is impossible.

Best Answer

I've been encouraged to share my MathOverflow answer here, so here goes:

Lemma. If $A$ is an abelian group satisfying $A\otimes A=0$ and $\mathop{\rm Tor}(A,A)=0$ then $A=0$.

Proof. Since $\mathop{\rm Tor}$ is left exact on abelian groups, an inclusion of a finite cyclic group $C$ in $A$ gives an injection $\mathop{\rm Tor}(C,C)\to \mathop{\rm Tor}(A,A)$. So if $\mathop{\rm Tor}(A,A)=0$ then $A$ is torsion free. Then $A$ embeds in $\mathbb{Q}\otimes A$, so if $A\otimes A=0$ then $(\mathbb{Q}\otimes A)\otimes(\mathbb{Q}\otimes A)=\mathbb{Q}\otimes(A\otimes A)=0$. So $\mathbb{Q}\otimes A=0$ and then $A=0$.

Now given your manifold $M$, since it is smooth, simply connected, and finite dimensional, it has the homotopy type of a finite dimensional CW complex. So by the Whitehead theorem, if it's not contractible then it has some non-vanishing homology group in degree $\geqslant 2$. Let $H_k(M)\ne 0$ with $k\geqslant 2$ as large as possible (so $k$ is at most the dimension of $M$). Then by the Künneth theorem and the lemma, either $H_{2k}(M\times M)\ne 0$ or $H_{2k+1}(M\times M)\ne 0$. So we have a contradiction if $M\times M\simeq M$.

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