Real-Valued Function – Can It Have Exactly 2 Non-Antipodal Critical Points on a Sphere?


I came across this question while working on something quite different:

Can we build a $C^2$ function on the sphere of radius one, i.e. $f : S^{d-1} \mapsto \mathbb{R}, d \geq 3 $ such that it has exactly 2 critical points, $ x_{min} $ and $ x_{max} $ and such that $ x_{min} $ and $ x_{max} $ are not antipodal?

My intuition (weakly supported by numerically experimenting with a few functions) would be that it is not, and that as soon as we force $ \text{dist}(x_{min}, x_{max}) < \pi $, then at least one new critical point (a saddle?) will appear somewhere (then, if we further assume that we only have a finite number of critical points, I know that the numbers of minima, maxima and saddles needs to verify a certain relationship depending on the Euler characteristic of the sphere).

I suspect that there might be useful results regarding this in Morse theory; however, I am not familiar with it, so any references, examples or counter-examples are appreciated!

Best Answer

Take the function $f(x_1, \dots, x_{d}) = x_{d}$ defined on $\mathbb S^{d-1}$. Let $\phi : \mathbb S^{d-1 }\to \mathbb S^{d-1}$ be a diffeomorphism such that $\phi (0,\cdots, 0,1) = (0,\cdots, 0,1)$ and $y:=\phi^{-1}(0,\cdots, 0,-1) \neq (0,\cdots, 0,-1)$. Then the new function $g = f \circ \phi $ has two critical points $(0,\cdots, 0, 1)$ and $y$, and these two critical points are not antipodal.

For a slightly more concrete example: let $d=2$ and let $p = (0,\sqrt 2)$. Let $L^\pm$ be two lines in $\mathbb R^2$ touching $\mathbb S^1$ at $(\pm \sqrt 2^{-1}, \sqrt 2^{-1})$ respectively. rotating the line from $L^-$ to $L^+$ gives you a foliation of $\mathbb S^1$. One can find a function $f: \mathbb S^1 \to \mathbb R$ so that the level set corresponds to this foliation. $f$ would have exactly two critical points $(\pm \sqrt 2^{-1}, \sqrt 2^{-1})$, which is not antipodal.

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