Can a Rank Three Tensor act as a Trilinear, Bilinear, or Linear Map


Can a rank three tensor act as a trilinear, bilinear, and linear map? Similarly, a matrix (a representation of a rank two tensor) can be bilinear, taking in two vectors and spitting out a scalar for instance, but it can also be a linear map on just one vector. What's going on here?

Best Answer

Let's simplify this a bit and take a $(1,1)$ tensor over a real vector space $V$. We might take this, by definition, to be a bilinear map $V\times V^* \to \mathbb R.$ So we can think of it as taking a vector and a covector argument and looking like $T(v,v^*) = a.$

However, we can also think of it as a linear map $V\to V,$ or as a linear map $V^*\to V^*.$ To see how this works, take $v^*\in V^*$ fixed, and consider $T(v,v^*)$ as a function of $v.$ This is a linear map that takes a vector $v$ and produces a real number. In other words, it is a covector. So we can also define the tensor as the map which takes a covector $v^*$ and returns the covector $T(\_,v^*)$ we just just discussed. This is a way of viewing it as a linear map $V^*\to V^*.$ Similarly we can view it as $v\mapsto T(v,\_)$ a map from $V\to V.$ (Recall that a linear map that takes a covector and produces a vector is just a vector).

This reasoning works out on higher ranks as well. An $(n,m)$ tensor can be looked at a multilinear map $V^m\times (V^*)^n \to \mathbb R,$ or we can think of it as a map that takes a vector (or another tensor) and contracts it with the tensor to produce a lower-rank tensor. For instance if you give an $(n,m)$ tensor a vector, it will act linearly on that vector and return an $(n,m-1)$ tensor. In other words, it's equally well viewed as a linear map $$ V\to V^{\otimes (m-1)}\otimes V^{\otimes n}$$

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