Can a power series uniformly converge on open disc

complex-analysispower seriessequences-and-seriesuniform-convergence

Does there exist a power series of radius of convergence $R$ that uniformly converges on the open disc of radius $R$?

Intuitively, I do not think this is the case since there would be a singularity at some point on $|z|=R$, and so when we get near there, the series tends towards infinity and there is no way for the series to converge uniformly. But I have heard from others that the answer is that such a power series does in fact exist.

Best Answer

The power series $\displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac{z^n}{n^2}$ has radius of convergence $1$ and it converges uniformly on $\overline{D(0,1)}$; in particular, it converges uniformly on $D(0,1)$.

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