Calculus of Variations (Gelfand & Fomin): Proof of Functional Dependence Identity


I'm on page 40 of the book (Section 2.10 – Variational Problems in Parametric Form). It states that for


where the Euler equation for the left-hand side (LHS) is


and the system of Euler equations for the right-hand side (RHS) are



that the system of Euler equations are dependent and related by


Can someone prove this? I'm lost.


  1. David Widder's "Advanced Calculus" tells us that two functions are dependent if their Jacobian vanishes (i.e. is identically zero)

  2. Formulating the equation as


    looks eerily similar to implicit differentiation.

Best Answer


$$ \Phi(x,y,\dot x, \dot y)=F\left(x,y,\frac{\dot y }{\dot x}\right)\dot x $$

and performing

$$ \dot{x}\left(\Phi_x-\frac{d}{dt}\Phi_{\dot{x}}\right)+\dot{y}\left(\Phi_y-\frac{d}{dt}\Phi_{\dot{y}}\right) $$

we get after some algebra

$$ \dot x\left((\dot x-\dot x)F_x+(\dot y-\dot y)F_y\right) = 0 $$


$$ \dot y \left(F^{(0,1,0)} \dot x-F^{(1,0,1)} \dot x+F^{(0,0,2)} \left(\frac{\ddot x \dot y}{\left(\dot x\right)^2}-\frac{\ddot y}{\dot x}\right)-F^{(0,1,1)} \dot y\right)+\dot x \left(\frac{F^{(0,0,1)} \ddot y}{\dot x}-\frac{F^{(0,0,1)} \ddot x \dot y}{\left(\dot x\right)^2}-F^{(0,0,1)} \left(\frac{\ddot y}{\dot x}-\frac{\ddot x \dot y}{\left(\dot x\right)^2}\right)+\frac{\dot y \left(F^{(1,0,1)} \dot x+F^{(0,0,2)} \left(\frac{\ddot y}{\dot x}-\frac{\ddot x \dot y}{\left(\dot x\right)^2}\right)+F^{(0,1,1)} \dot y\right)}{\dot x}-F^{(0,1,0)} \dot y\right) = 0 $$



$$ I = \int_{x_1}^{x_2} F(x,y,y')dx $$

we have

$$ y' = \frac{dy}{dx}= \frac{\dot y}{\dot x}\to dx = \dot x dt $$

and then

$$ I = \int_{t_1}^{t_2}F\left(x,y,\frac{\dot y}{\dot x}\right)\dot x dt $$


$$ \Phi_x = F_x \dot x\\ \Phi_{\dot x} = F-\dot x F_{y'}\frac{\dot y}{(\dot x)^2} = F-y' F_{y'} $$

etc. Having in mind the identity for $g(x,y,y')$

$$ \frac{d}{dx}\left(y'g_{y'}-g\right) = y'\frac{d}{dx}g_{y'}-g_x-g_y y'=-y'\left(g_y-\frac{d}{dx}g_{y'}\right)-g_x $$

we have

$$ \frac{d}{dt}\Phi_{\dot x} = \dot x\frac{d}{dx}\left(F-y' F_{y'}\right) = \dot x\left\{y'\left(F_y-\frac{d}{dx}F_{y'}\right)+F_x\right\} $$

and also

$$ \Phi_x = F_x\dot x,\ \ \ \Phi_{\dot y} = \dot x F_{y'}\frac{1}{\dot x} = F_{y'} $$

So concluding with $\frac{d}{dt}\Phi_{\dot y} = \dot x\frac{d}{dx}F_{y'}$

$$ \Phi_x-\frac{d}{dt}\Phi_{\dot x} = -\dot y\left(F_y-\frac{d}{dx}F_{y'}\right)\\ \Phi_y-\frac{d}{dt}\Phi_{\dot y} = \dot x\left(F_y-\frac{d}{dx}F_{y'}\right) $$

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