Calculus of variations Euler-Lagrange equation and variational problem


Find all the extrema (local minima and maxima) of the function $$J[y] = \int\limits_1^2(xy' + y)^2\,\mathrm dx;\qquad y(1) = 1, y(2) = \dfrac12.$$

Hint. Once you've found the solution of the Euler-Lagrange equation with the boundary conditions, remember to check, like in the previous problem, if this solution is a minimum, a maximum or not an extremum.

My work.

The image above shows my work. I'm pretty sure I solved the E-L equation correctly with the boundary conditions, but I am not too sure about the variation part. I always seem to find an absolute minimum, which makes me think my understanding of this part is lacking.

Best Answer

Rather than going through your work line by line, let's see if I get the same answer: $$L=x^2y^{\prime2}+2xyy^\prime+y^2\implies 0=\frac{(\partial_{y^\prime}L)^\prime-\partial_yL}{2x^2}=y^{\prime\prime}+\frac2xy^\prime\implies y=A+\frac{B}{x}.$$The boundary conditions give $y=\frac1x$, as you said. With $y=\frac1x+\eta$ we get$$J=\int_1^2(x\eta^\prime+\eta)^2dx,$$which is minimal for $\eta=0$, so you're also right about the stationary point being a minimum.

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