Calculating unknowns of nested triangles with common sides


I have 3 triangles joined together with common legs between them. For triangle ABC (the blue one in the diagram below) we know all its angles and the length of all it's sides. For the other two triangles, BCO and ACO (the red ones in the diagram below) we known one side and one angle for each. I want to calculate the unknown sides and angles of triangles BCO and ACO.

How would I go about doing this?

enter image description here

Best Answer

From the midpoint $M$ of $AC$ construct the perpendicular bisector of $AC$, and take on it (outside triangle $ABC$) a point $P$ such that $\angle CPM=\angle COA$.

From the midpoint $N$ of $BC$ construct the perpendicular bisector of $BC$, and take on it (outside triangle $ABC$) a point $Q$ such that $\angle CQN=\angle COB$.

Point $O$ is the second intersection of the circle centred at $P$ through $C$, with the circle centred at $Q$ through $C$.

enter image description here

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