Calculating time-varying velocity and final speed through second order ODE

dynamical systemsmultivariable-calculusordinary differential equations

I have to work through an example from physics to strengthen my understanding of Newton's second law of motion through second-order ODEs.

I've been provided with the following settings: that the skydiver is descending under a parachute at a steady rate, where t is the time; and I have to assume zero displacement and velocity at time zero.

$$\frac{d^2y}{dt^2} + \frac{k}m^{}\frac{dy}{dt} = g$$

I've come to the following general solution y(t):

$$y(t) = A + Be^{-\frac{kt}{m}} + g\frac{m}{k}t$$

If I set the displacement and velocity at time zero, I got:


From that point, how can I calculate:

  1. Time-varying vertical velocity?
  2. Final speed corresponding to the speed of the skydiver when descending at a steady rate?

Best Answer

The vertical velocity is given by


and the final velocity is

$$\lim_{t\to+\infty}\frac{dy}{dt}=g\frac mk$$ The exponential term goes to zero.