Calculating the rotation point between 2 sets of points

geometrylinear algebramatricesrotations

I've been trying to solve this for a while but I can't figure it out.
I have 2 sets of points: p1, p2 and p1', p2'.

p1(x1,y1), p2(x2,y2) and p1'(x1',y1'), p2'(x2',y2') all known values.

Those 2 sets are the same but are rotated around a point ($p_c$). I want to find that point's ($p_c$) coordinates.

small sketch of both data sets with the center of rotation

At first I tried this (I set some points and rotated them around the coordinates (0.5,-0.5) so that I know if I find the correct result):

Since I know all the points, I took this:
cosθ & -sinθ & x_c\\
sinθ & cosθ & y_c\\
0 & 0 & 1\\

Let's note it this way: $B = XA$

I isolated X to get this: $X=BA^T(AA^T)^{-1}$ and naively thought I'd get my $x_c$ and $y_c$, but the resulted X was
0.7071 & -0.7071 & -0.2071\\
0.7071 & 0.7071 & -0.5\\
3.7919e^{-16} & 3.8203e^{-15} & 1\\

This transformation matrix is correct, when I tranform my points using it, the point's shift to where they should be. But although there's -0.5 for $y_c$, the $x_c$ is wrong.

Next I thought I'd try and take this "formula?/operation": (It takes a x,y point, translates to the origin of the axis, rotate, and translate back, basically rotating around a point that is not the origin)
1 & 0 & x_c\\
0 & 1 & y_c\\
0 & 0 & 1\\
cosθ & -sinθ & 0\\
sinθ & cosθ & 0\\
0 & 0 & 1\\
1 & 0 & -x_c\\
0 & 1 & -y_c\\
0 & 0 & 1\\

Let's not it this way: $C1 = T*R*T^{-1}*C0$ where is known everything but x and y (θ the angle of the line is easely calculated)
But I don't know how to isolate $T$ and $T^{-1}$ (which if I could I'd just have $T*T^{-1}$ which wouldn't get me very far.)

Do you have any insight on what I should be doing? I feel like I'm way off course on this one.

Best Answer

Use the fact that the perpendicular bisectors of segments $p_1 p'_1 $ and $p_2 p'_2$ pass through the center of rotation $p_0$. Therefore, if

$n_1 = p'_1 - p_1 $

$n_2 = p'_2 - p_2 $


$m_1 = \dfrac{1}{2} (p'_1 + p_1 ) $

$m_2 = \dfrac{1}{2} (p'_2 + p_2 ) $


$p_0 = (x, y) $


$n_1^T (p_0 - m_1) = 0 $

$n_2^T (p_0 - m_2 ) = 0 $

So that by matrix inversion, we get the center of rotation $p_0$

$p_0 = \begin{bmatrix} n_1^T \\ n_2^T \end{bmatrix}^{-1} \begin{bmatrix} n_1^T m_1 \\n_2^T m_2 \end{bmatrix} $

To get the angle of rotation, find the angle between the vector $p'_1 - p_0$ and $p_1 - p_0$. This angle is equal to the angle between the vectors $p'_2 - p_0$ and $p_2 - p_0$.

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