Calculating the barycentric coordinates for a point based on edge lengths alone


I am trying to calculate the barycentric weights of a triangle from which I have no Cartesian coordinates- only a set of edge lengths describing the configuration of a flattened tetrahedron with points A, B, and C, as well as an extra (usually) internal point P (but, again- I don't actually know where these points are, all I have area the edge lengths between them- so AB, BC, CA, PA, PB, and PC).

Thus far this is pretty easy to do simply by calculating the area of the main triangle (ABC) and the area of each of the three sub-triangles (PAB, PBC, and PCA). The barycentric weights of the unknown point P are therefore:

u = A_PAB / A_ABC
v = A_PBC / A_ABC
w = A_PCA / A_ABC

This works fine for any point located inside the triangle, but predictably fails for any point outside of the triangle. This is occurring because the area calculations do not take into consideration the orientation of the triangle (which I don't technically know), so I have no way of determining a winding order- the moment one of the sub-triangles becomes external to the main triangle, things go south since I'm missing the negative sign of one or more barycentric coordinates.

Is there any easy way to calculate the signs of the barycentric coordinates for coordinates that may need to represent a point located outside of the triangle?

Once again, I don't know the x, y coordinates of the triangle points- just the edge lengths of everything. I figured there must be a way to detect the signs of the coordinates somehow, though I've yet to figure out a reliable way of doing this.

Best Answer



First of all, I imagine that your distances are compatible, but a "sanity check" is never bad. How to do it ? By verifying that their Cayley-Menger determinant is zero :

$$\begin{vmatrix} 0 & 1 & 1 & 1 &1 \\ 1 & 0 & c^2 & b^2 & u^2 \\ 1 & c^2 & 0 & a^2 & v^2 \\ 1 & b^2 & a^2 & 0 &w^2 \\ 1 & u^2 & v^2 & w^2& 0 \end{vmatrix}=0$$

I think that a reasonable line of action is as follows.

  • "Install" triangle $ABC$ in a system of coordinates where for example, up to a renaming $a=AB$ is the longest side, with $A(0,0)$, $B(0,a)$ ;

  • Compute coordinates $C(x_C,y_C)$ (based on distances $a$ and $b$) in such a way that $y_C > 0$ (please note that necessarily $0 \le x_C \le c$) ; this warrants in particular a positive orientation of triangle $ABC$.

  • Find the two intersection points $I(x,y)$ of circles $C(A,u)$ (centered in $A$ with radius $AP=u$) and $C(B,v)$. Which means that

$$\begin{cases}x^2+y^2&=&u^2& \ \ (a)\\(x-c)^2+y^2&=&v^2& \ \ (b)\end{cases},\tag{1}$$

Expanding (b) and computing the difference (a)-(b), we get :


Plugging this value of $x$ in $(1)(a)$ gives two potential points $P_1,P_2$ with common abscissa $x_P$ and resp. ordinates :

$$y_P=\pm \sqrt{u^2-x_P^2}$$

  • Compute the two distances $P_1C$ and $P_2C$ : one of them only (in general) will match value $w$. In this way, you have found the right point $P$.

  • Finally, convert the cartesian coordinates of $P$ into barycentric coordinates $(p,q,r)$ by solving the system:

$$\begin{cases}px_A&+&qx_B&+&rx_C&=&x_P\\ py_A&+&qy_B&+&ry_C&=&y_P\\ p&+&q&+&r&=&1\end{cases} \iff \begin{cases}&&qc&+&rx_C&=&x_P\\ &&&&ry_C&=&y_P\\ p&+&q&+&r&=&1\end{cases}$$

giving immediately :

$$\begin{cases}r&=&\frac{y_P}{y_C}\\ q&=&\frac{1}{cy_C}(x_Py_C-y_Px_C)\\ p&=&1-q-r\end{cases}$$

Remark: Direct computation of barycentric coordinates (by using Heron's formula), is possible, but it is more complicated due to signs management...

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