Calculating surface of ellipsoid visible from any point outside of it


I have recently become interested in calculating the surface of Earth visible from any point in space. In previous questions such as Visible Portion of the Earth's Surface here and What is the name of the area on Earth which can be observed from a satellite? on Space Exploration, it seems to be assumed that the Earth is spherical, and therefore the visible surface from any point in space would be a spherical cap. In the discussion for this question at Geographic Information Systems, it is shown how to obtain an expression defining the limits of the spherical cap that would be visible from any point in space.

However, in order to be completely accurate for calculating such visible surface, one would need to consider that the Earth's shape is not a perfect sphere, but rather an ellipsoid.

My question is how can we calculate the visible portion of an ellipsoid surface (I suppose this might be called an ellipsoidal cap?) from any point outside of it? The answer to the previously mentioned question on Geographical Information Systems states

The solution for an ellipsoid is pretty messy–it is an irregular shape, not a circle–and is best computed numerically rather than with a formula.

Is this really the case? Are there no closed-form solutions to this problem? If so, how would it be computed numerically?

If it makes the problem easier, we can assume the ellipsoid to be biaxial.

Other related questions limited to a spherical Earth:

Best Answer

Getting the boundary of the visible region is much easier than calculating its area. The boundary curve is an ellipse. It is the intersection of the ellipsoid and the so-called polar plane of the view-point.

If the ellipsoid has equation $$ \frac{x^2}{a^2} + \frac{y^2}{b^2} + \frac{z^2}{c^2} = 1 $$ Then the polar plane of the point $(u,v,w)$ has equation $$ \frac{ux}{a^2} + \frac{vy}{b^2} + \frac{wz}{c^2} = 1 $$ And, actually, I have now found that everything you need is probably in this paper. The details of the ellipse “horizon” are worked out, and the enclosed area is computed by numerical methods.

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