Calculating quartiles of a given PDF


I am supposed to calculate the quartiles ( 25th, 50th, 75th percentile ) of the PDF –

f(x) = x*( 2 – e^(-2) ) if 0 < x < 1

f(x) = e^(-2x) if x ≥ 1

How should I go about solving this? Should I convert the PDF into a CDF?

Best Answer

Whilst a CDF makes the problem easier, you can just integrate the function from $0$ to some unknown upper bound, where you let the integral be equal to the percentile. For example, if we are integrating a PDF, say $f(x)$, looking to find what the $75^{th}$ percentile is, we can say.

$\int_0^a f(x).dx = 0.75$

Where we now can solve for $a$