Calculating $P(X \le 0)$ from the MGF of $X+Y$, where $X$ and $Y$ are independent and identically distributed random variables

moment-generating-functionspolynomialsprobabilityprobability distributions

Let $X$ and $Y$ be identically distributed independent random variables such that the moment generating function of $X+Y$ is

$M(t) = 0.09 e^{−2t} + 0.24 e^{−t} + 0.34 + 0.24 e^t + 0.09 e^{2t}$.

Calculate $P(X \le 0)$.

My attempt

Let $u=e^t$


Now let $v=u+\frac{1}{u}$ and $p(u)=9u^4+24u^3+34u^2+24u+9$


Thus $M_{X+Y}(t)=\frac{1}{(10u)^2}(3u^2+4u+3)^2=[\frac{(3u^2+4u+3)}{10u}]^2=(0.3u+0.4+0.3u^{-1})^2=(0.3e^t+0.4+0.3e^{-t})^2$

Because $X$ and $Y$ are independent and identically distributed, the MGF of $X+Y$ equals $(0.3e^t+0.4+0.3e^{-t})^2$, where $0.3e^t+0.4+0.3e^{-t}$ is the MGF common to $X$ and $Y$.

Thus $M_X(t)=0.3e^t+0.4+0.3e^{-t}$, and since $M_X(t)$ uniquely determines the distribution of $X$, it follows that $X$ is a discrete random variable whereby $X=-1, X=0$, and $X=1$ with respective probabilities $0.3,0.4$, and $0.3$.

$\therefore P(X \le 0)=0.3+0.4=0.7$.

When is it appropriate to use the change of variable technique (i.e. $v=u+\frac{1}{u}$) to factor polynomials and in what situations would it not work?

Best Answer

The method works for Quasi-palindromic quartic functions as $$f(x)=a_0\cdot x^4+a_1\cdot x^3+a_2\cdot x^2+a_1\cdot m\cdot x+a_0 \cdot m^2$$

In you case the parameters are $m=1, a_0=9, a_1=24$ and $a_2=34$. So you have a (real) palindromic function. For reference see here.

If you have not a palindromic quartic function, then you can multiply out $g(x)=(ax^2+bx+c)^2$ and then you compare the coefficients.