Calculating Null T and Range T for the linear transformation $T(x,y,z)=(x+2y-z,y+z,x+y-2z)$

linear algebralinear-transformationsmatricesproof-verificationvector-spaces

I have a doubt regarding the calculation of range of a linear transformation. I will explain my doubt with an example.

$T:R^3 \to R^3 \ni$

$T(x,y,z)=(x+2y-z,y+z,x+y-2z)$ is a Linear Transformation.

Null $T$ will be the null space of the coefficient matrix obtained from $T(x,y,z)=0$, i.e,





that reduces to:



Null $T$ = Span{$(3,-1,1)$}

we know Range $T$ $=$ span$\{T(e1),T(e2),T(e3)\}$ $=$ span$\{(1,0,1),(2,1,1),(-1,1,-2)\}$

Again we get the same matrix (1):


and from $(2)$, the first and second column contain the pivots so the first and second column of $(1)$ are Linearly Independent.

Therefore Range T = span{$(1,0,1),(2,1,1)$}

However, the textbook that I am following has solved for Range T differently,
what it has done is, taken the transpose of $(1)$ and found its rows space instead,


that reduces to


therefore Range T = span{$(1,0,1),(0,1,-1)$}

Now, I know that the row space of $A^{T}$ will be the column space of $A$, but why the extra effort to take the transpose and reduce it when we can simply get the answer from matrix $(1)$. Or is it the case that my way of finding range $T$ is wrong?

Best Answer

Notice that $2(1,0,1)+(0,1,-1)=(2,1,1)$, hence both spans are equal.

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