Calculating a spherical angle


Given a sphere with a specified radius, and two perpendicular arcs produced by angles, phi and theta.

enter image description here

To be clear, phi and theta are the angles which give rise to the arcs which meet at a right angle. I placed the labels, phi and theta, on the actual arcs because it gets crowded near the center of the sphere. I am looking for the interior angle which gives rise to the oblique arc on the sphere's surface.

I read these links:

How do I measure distance on a globe?

relationship between a great circle arc and a latitude circle arc at a given latitude

but the derivation of an answer eludes me.

I realize that spending time to answer a question so fundamental and which has probably been answered clearly in some text is a waste of bandwidth. So maybe someone knows of a clear, simple exposition of this problem to which I can be referred?

Best Answer

The unit vectors in the directions of the sides of the unknown angle are (in a convenient basis) $$ v_1=(\cos\phi,0,\sin\phi),\qquad v_2=(\cos\theta,\sin\theta,0) $$ Therefore, the cosine of the angle between them is their dot product $$ \langle v_1,v_2\rangle=\cos\phi\cos\theta $$ That is, the angle is $$ \cos^{-1}(\cos\phi\cos\theta). $$