Probability – How to Calculate Variance in a Poisson Process with Exponential Lifetimes

exponential distributionpoisson processprobabilityprobability theoryrandom variables

I am trying to understand how to combine the concepts of Poisson process and the birth and death process.

I have a Poisson process where people arrive with rate $\lambda$ — so when an event occurs, a new person arrives. Suppose the lifetime of each person is independent Exponential $($$\mu$$)$.

Further, let $M$$($$t$$)$ be the number of people at time $t$. I take that $M(t)$ $=$ $10$. So, at time $t$, there are $10$ people.

Now, I would like to calculate $Var[$$M$$(t + s)$ $|$ $M(t)$ $=$ $10$$]$, where $0$ $<$ $t$ $<$ $s$.

I have this question because I have been studying about independent increments in Poisson processes. Here, we have $2$ disjoint intervals: $[$$0$, $t$$)$ and $[$$t$, $s$$)$. If this was just a standard Poisson process, we can say that the number of events until time $t$ is independent of the number of events in the interval $[$$t$, $t+s$$)$.

But the case at hand is a bit different, because the lifetimes of the events/people are $iid$, and distributed as $L$ ~ Exponential $($$\mu$$)$. This means each event/person lives for an exponential $($$\mu$$)$ amount of time.

Given this, how can I proceed here? I tried working out a few things but I am stuck while trying to calculate conditional variance, and any advice on the direction to follow would be very helpful. Thank you so much.

Best Answer

There are two parts to the calculation:

  • The ten alive at time $t$: each has an independent probability of being alive at time $t+s$ of $e^{-\mu s}$ and so their binomial contribution to the expectation is $10 e^{-\mu s}$ and to the variance is $10 e^{-\mu s}(1-e^{-\mu s})$
  • Any individuals who might arrive at time $a$ with $t < a \le t+s$ (at a rate $\lambda$) and still be alive at time $t+s$ with probability $e^{-\mu(t+s-a)}$. In effect we have a non-homogeneous Poisson process with parameter varying over time $\lambda e^{-\mu(t+s-a)}$ amounting to a combined Poisson distribution with parameter $\int_t^{t+s} \lambda e^{-\mu(t+s-a)}\, da = \frac{\lambda}{\mu}\left(1-e^{-\mu s}\right)$ and this is their contribution to both the mean and the variance.

Putting these together:

  • $\mathbb E[T(t+s) \mid T(t)=10] = 10 e^{-\mu s} + \frac{\lambda}{\mu}\left(1-e^{-\mu s}\right)$
  • $\mathrm{Var}(T(t+s) \mid T(t)=10) = 10 e^{-\mu s}\left(1-e^{-\mu s}\right) + \frac{\lambda}{\mu}\left(1-e^{-\mu s}\right) = \left(10 e^{-\mu s}+\frac{\lambda}{\mu} \right) \left(1-e^{-\mu s}\right)$
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