Calculate the coordinates of the center (midpoint) of the arc


I have shape for which I know:

Coordinates of three points (A, B, S) and radius.

How do I calculate the coordinates of the center (midpoint) of the arc between points A and B, please?

enter image description here

Thank you

Best Answer

The ‘centre’ of the arc is its midpoint. It's fairly easy: the line through $S $ and this midpoint is the bissectrix of the angle $\widehat{ASB}$, and as you have an isosceles triangle, it is also the median through $S$ of the triangle.

Therefore, once you have determined the midpoint $I$ of the segment $[AB]$, the unit directing vector of the median is $\vec u=\frac{\overrightarrow{SI}}{\|\overrightarrow{SI}\|}$, and the midpoint of the arc is simply the point $$S+ \text{radius}\cdot \vec u$$