Calculate angle $x$ in the figure


For reference:

My progress:

& AH \perp FD \\
& \triangle AFD \text{ is isosceles}
\therefore \measuredangle BFA = \measuredangle FDA = x \\
& AF = FD \\
& \measuredangle HBA = 180-135^\circ = 45^\circ
\therefore \triangle HBA \text{ is isosceles}

I drew some auxiliary lines but it wasn't enough to reach the solution.

Best Answer

Build a parallelogram $ABDE$. Then $$\angle DEA = \angle ABD = 135^\circ = \angle DCA,$$ hence $ADEC$ is cyclic. Moreover, $\angle EAD = \angle BDA = x$, hence $$\angle CAE = \angle CAD - \angle EAD = 2x-x=x.$$ As a consequence, $CE=DE$ because the angles subtended by arcs $CE$, $DE$ of the red circle are equal.

Now, it is easy to calculate that angle $CBD$ equals $90^\circ + x$ and that the concave angle $CED$ equals $180^\circ + 2x$. Since $CE=DE$, it follows that $B$ lies on the circle with center $E$ and radius $CE=DE$. Hence $\angle DEB = 2\angle DCB = 90^\circ$. Since $DE=BE$, the right triangle $DEB$ is isosceles.

Let $F$ be the midpoint of $BE$. Let $G$ be the midpoint of $BD$ and $H$ be the midpoint of $BG$. Easy to see that triangles $GFB$ and $GFH$ are isosceles right triangles, hence $HF = HB = \frac 12BG = \frac 14 BD$, so $HD = BD - BH = 4HF - HF = 3HF$. This yields $\tan x = \frac{HF}{HD} = \frac 13$ so the answer is $$x = \arctan \frac 13.$$