Calculate achievable points for vehicle with turning circle


I'm trying to determine the set of achievable positions for a vehicle that can travel a fixed distance.

In the following diagram the blue marker is the vehicle, and the pink shape is the set of achievable positions.

I know the turning circle radius and the maximum distance that can be travelled.

From looking at the problem the "travel distance" is the distance from the origin the point directly ahead on the curve. It is also the distance along the circumference of the curve.

But, I cannot think of the maths to determine the shape of the outer edge of the pink shape.

Any tips?

Turning circles

Best Answer

The exterior boundary of the pink area could be obtained by unwinding tightly a rope previously laid about one of the circles (in order to cope with the fact that we take for a while the curve and then its tangent), and symmetrically for the other. The curve obtained in this way is called a circle involute with a classical equation:

$$\begin{cases}x&=&a(\cos(t) + t \sin(t))\\y&=&a(\sin(t) - t \cos(t))\end{cases}$$

when we take the origin in the center of one of the circles.

In fact, we have two arcs of circle involutes that are joined smoothly at the top point of the boundary as can be proven by the given equations.

Remark : an important application of involute of circles is the design of gears.

Edit: here is a Matlab implementation giving the graphic below:

for s=-pi/2:pi/12:pi/2; % s = shift value for initial angle 
    t=0:0.01:pi+s;u=t-s; % ranges
    plot(x,y) % RHS curve
    plot(-x,y); % LHS (mirrored) curve
t=0:0.01:2*pi; % circles:

enter image description here

Fig. 1: Initial curve in red. The different blue curves that are featured correspond to 12 different shifts from $-\pi/2$ to $\pi/2$ with a step $\pi/12$.

enter image description here

Fig. 2: If the range of $s$ is extended to $[-2\pi,2\pi]$ for example, the blue curves are the same as before. One gets good approximations by considering (red curves) involutes based on modified circles with centers in $(\pm 2,0)$ and radius $2$.

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