Buses arrive at the rate of 9 per hour. the probability that you would need to wait for more than 20 minutes if one bus just departed

exponential distributionprobabilityprobability distributions

Firstly, I understand that this question may be simply carried using the Poisson distribution. However, I attempted this question using the Exponential distribution, but am not getting the correct answer.

Firstly, I let $N$ represent the number of buses that arrive in the span of a $\textbf{minute}$. So,
N \sim \text{Poisson}(\mu = \frac{9}{60} = 0.15)

Then, let $T$ represent the time (in minutes) between each bus. So,
T \sim \text{Exponential}(\mu = \frac{1}{\lambda} = \frac{1}{0.15} = \frac{20}{3})

As the Exponential distribution is "memory-less", the probability of a bus arriving after 20 minutes given that one has just passed, is just the probability of a bus arriving after 20 minutes.

So, the probability of needing to wait more than 20 minutes given that one has just passed can be calculated as
P(T > 20) &= 1 – P(T \leq 20) \\
&= 1 – F(20) \text{ where $F$ is the CDF of $T$} \\
&= 1 – (1 – e^{-\lambda t}) \tag{ CDF formula for exponential dist} \\
&= e^{-\frac{20}{3} \cdot 20} \\
&= e^{-\frac{400}{3}}

However, the answer should simply be $e^{-3}$.

Let $X$ be the number of buses that arrive in 20 minutes. Then,
X \sim \text{ Poisson}(\frac{1}{3} \cdot 9 = 3)

The probability of needing to wait for more than 20 minutes is same as the probability if no buses arrived within 20 minutes, so we can solve the question as
P(X = 0) &= \frac{\lambda^{x}e^{-\lambda}}{x!} \\
&= \frac{3^{0}e^{-3}}{0!} \\
&= e^{-3}

If anyone would know where I went wrong in my working in using the exponential distribution, I would be extremely grateful.

Best Answer

The probability of no bus arriving in time $t$ is $e^{-\lambda t}$ whether you use an exponential distribution or a Poisson distribution, if the rate of arrival is $\lambda$.

  • In hours, $\lambda =9$ buses per hour and $t=\frac{20}{60}=\frac13$ hour, so the probability is $e^{-9\times\frac13}=e^{-3}$.
  • In minutes, $\lambda =\frac9{60}= \frac3{20}$ buses per minute and $t=20$ minutes, so the probability is $e^{-\frac3{20}\times20}=e^{-3}$.