Burgers equation with sinusoidal bump initial data

hyperbolic-equationspartial differential equations

Suppose we have $u_t + uu_x = 0 $ with

$$ \phi(x) = u(x,0) = \begin{cases} 0, && x \leq 0, x > 1 \\ \sin \pi x, && 0 < x \leq 1 \end{cases} $$

If we parametrize our curve with $\Gamma = (r,0,\phi(r) )$, then we know our characteristics are given by

$$ x(s) = \phi(r) s + r, \quad t(s) = s, \quad u(r,s) = \phi(r) $$

So, our solution is implicit

$$ u(x,t) = \phi(x – u t ) = \sin (x – ut ) \quad \text{when} \quad ut < x < ut + 1$$

The projected characteristics are given by

$$ x = \begin{cases} r, && r \leq 0, r > 1 \\ ( \sin \pi r ) t + r , && 0 < r \leq 1\end{cases}$$

here I include the plots of the projected characteristics in the $t$$x$ plane

enter image description here

Im having some dificulty to see from the my graph at what points will the solution become multivalued. From the graph it seems that it does when $t=0$ and $x=1$ because if you see at the graph the line with $r=0.9999$ will cross the vertical $x=1$. How can we find the weak solution of this pde?

Best Answer

Indeed, the characteristic curves $x = \phi(x_0) t + x_0$ along which $u = \phi(x_0)$ is constant are shown below:


Until characteristics intersect, the solution of the PDE is given by the method of characteristics, i.e. by solving $u = \phi(x-ut)$ numerically (I don't know any closed form expression). The breaking time $t_b$ where the solution becomes multi-valued can be computed as described in this post: $$ t_b = \frac{-1}{\inf \phi'} = \frac{1}{\pi} \approx 0.32 . $$ The speed of shock $\dot x_s$ satisfies the Rankine-Hugoniot condition $$ \dot x_s = \frac{1}{2}\big(\tilde u(x_s,t) + 0\big), \qquad x_s(1/\pi) = 1 $$ where $\tilde u(x_s,t)$ solves $\tilde u = \phi(x_s-\tilde ut)$. Hence, it is not easy to compute the shock trajectory $x_s(t)$ analytically in the present case. However, it is possible to derive some analytical expressions if the sinusoidal bump is replaced by a polynomial bump, e.g. the parabola $x\mapsto 4x(1-x)$ or the triangular function $x\mapsto 1-|2x-1|$ displayed below
