Boyd & Vandenberghe, page 27 — intuition and proof for how a ray is convex rather than affine


Can someone provide intuition & proof for why a ray is convex, I don't see the sum to $1$ constraints for theta :

A ray of the form $\left\{x_{0}+\theta v \mid \theta \geq 0\right\}$, where $v$ != $0$ is convex, but not affine. It is a convex cone if its base $x_{0}$ is $0.$

From Boyd & Vandenberghe Convex Optimization pg. 27

Best Answer

I will prove the case where $x_0 = 0$, since convexity is invariant under translation.

According to the definition, your ray is of the form, for a fixed $\mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}^d$,

$$R= \{\lambda\mathbf{x} : \lambda \geqslant 0\}$$

Now let $\mathbf{y},\mathbf{z} \in R$, so $\mathbf{y} = y\mathbf{x}$ and $\mathbf{z} = z\mathbf{x}$ for some $y,z\geqslant 0$ by definition of the ray. As this is a subset of a $2$-dimensional linear (affine, if $x_0 \neq 0$) subspace, all convex combinations will require at most two terms without any redundancy (it is not hard to show for many-termed sums, I will leave this as an exercise to help understand the proof). So for all $t \in [0,1]$, it suffices to show:

$$t\mathbf{y} + (1-t)\mathbf{z} \in R$$

The terms $t\mathbf{y}, (1-t)\mathbf{z}$ are the same as $ty\mathbf{x}$ and $(1-t)z\mathbf{x}$ by the result above, and as $t$ and $(1-t)$ are both at least $0$, $t\mathbf{y}$ and $(1-t)\mathbf{z}$ are in the ray. As such, the above sum is just:

$$(ty + (1-t)z)\mathbf{x}$$

which is in the ray, so the ray is convex.

Generally, proving shapes convex involve showing the conditional:

$$\{\mathbf{x}\}_i \in X \Longrightarrow \sum_i \lambda_i \mathbf{x}_i \in X$$

for $\sum \lambda_i =1$ and each $\lambda_i \geqslant 0$, holds true. You can see how the above proof is essentially just this conditional.

Geometrically and intuitively, a shape is convex when the line between any two points is in the shape. I dare you to find two points in a ray where the line between them is not in the ray.