Bounding $X=0$ with Chebyshev Inequality


I'm looking at a variation of Chebyshev and having a hard time convincing myself why the following is correct:

Given a non-negative, integer valued RV $X$

$$\mathbb{P}(X > 0) \geq 1 – \frac{Var(X)}{\mathbb{E}^2(X)}$$

The proof I'm reading goes:

$$\mathbb{P}(X=0)\overset{1}{\leq} \mathbb{P}(|X-\mathbb{E}[X]|\geq \mathbb{E}[X])\overset{2}{\leq} \frac{Var(X)}{\mathbb{E}^2(X)}$$

Step 2 is simply the application of Chebyshev, but could someone elucidate why step 1 is correct? Seems trivial but can't wrap my head around it at the moment…

Best Answer


I guess $\mu=\mathbb E[X]$. Since $X\geq 0$ a.s., $$X=0\iff X\leq 0\iff X-\mathbb E[X]\leq -\mathbb E[X]\implies |X-E[X]|\geq \mathbb E[X].$$

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