Bound for edge chromatic number given size of maximum matching

coloringcombinatoricsgraph theory

Problem: A maximum matching in $G$ contains $m$ edges. Show that $\chi(G)\geq \frac{|E(G)|}{m}$, where $\chi$ denotes the minimum number of edge coloring.

I know that each edge must be assigned a colour. Since assigning colors to a graph corresponds to a graph matching, the number of colors assigned must be less than or equal to $m$ by assumption.

But i'm not sure how to proceed.I am aware that this requires a combinatorial argument, but since I have not taken an official course in combinatorics and my experience with it is almost zero, please explain your argument in detail.

Best Answer

Pick a coloring using $\chi (G)$ color, then $$E(G)=\sum _{i=1}^{\chi (G)}\text{# of edges colored with color }i.$$ Notice now that the edges colored with one color form a matching on the graph, but this quantity is bounded by $m,$ so $$E(G)=\sum _{i=1}^{\chi (G)}\text{# of edges colored with color }i\leq m\cdot \chi (G).$$

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