Boolean basis completeness.

boolean-algebradiscrete mathematicslogic

The task is to check if following basis form complete one in terms of Boolean functions. $$\{\neg, Maj(x_1,x_2,x_3)\}$$

Maj – Majority function here is equal to the most frequent value among $(x_1,x_2,x_3), e.g: Maj(0,0,0)=0; Maj(1,1,0)=1$

I've only came to Majority function for 3 variables expression in terms of logical functions:
$(x_1\land x_2)\oplus (x_1\land x_3)\oplus (x_2\land x_3)$, however it is hard for me to proceed..

Best Answer

Here are two approaches to proving that negation and majority don't form a complete set.

(1) Both commute with negation. In particular, $\text{Maj}(\neg x,\neg y,\neg z)=\neg \text{Maj}(x,y,z)$. Deduce that the same property holds for any Boolean operation obtainable by composing these.

(2) You can write out explicitly a complete list of the functions of two variables $x,y$ obtainable by iterating $\neg$ and Maj. They are simply $x,\neg x, y, \neg y$. Check that anything obtained by applying $\neg$ to any of these or applying Maj to any of these is again one of these. In particular, you cannot get $x\land y$ this way.

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