Boolean Algebra (Matrix?)


I am new to Boolean Algebra and I'd just like to know: Is it possible to encode boolean logic into a matrix such that successive powers of that matrix perform logical computations?

For example, given $A$ and $A \Rightarrow B$, we can deduce $B$. Is it possible to have a matrix such that the information $A$ and $A \Rightarrow B$ are already present, then upon squaring this matrix it also shows that $B$ is true, and further powers do not change the information?

I suspect this is impossible, as posed above, but may be possible with some matrix operations other than powers or some structure other than a matrix, i.e. a tensor. If it is possible, how is this done?

Best Answer

I think it could be done using a 27 state Markov chain process.

I propose using 27 states to represent our knowledge at any given time about the following three: $A$, $B$, $A \implies B$.

$[QQQ]$ means that we do not know whether any of the three are true or false.

$[QTF]$ means that we do not know whether $A$ is true or false, we know that B is true and we know that $A \implies B$ is false.

The states are therefore: $[QQQ]$,$[QQT]$,$[QQF]$,$[QTQ]$,$[QTT]$,$[QTF]$,$[QFQ]$,$[QFT]$,$[QFF]$,$[TQQ]$,$[TQT]$,$[TQF]$,$[TTQ]$,$[TTT]$,$[TTF]$,$[TFQ]$,$[TFT]$,$[TFF]$,$[FQQ]$,$[FQT]$,$[FQF]$,$[FTQ]$,$[FTT]$,$[FTF]$,$[FFQ]$,$[FFT]$,$[FFF]$.

It would be possible to create a transition matrix showing the conclusion that can be drawn from the state you are in at the moment.

So if you start in $[QQQ]$ you will always be in $[QQQ]$. There will be a lot of states like that, where no further information can be gained.

But if you are in $[TQT]$ then you must move to $[TTT]$. And once you are in $[TTT]$ you will stay there for higher powers of the matrix.

States are:

  1. $[QQQ]$
  2. $[QQT]$
  3. $[QQF]$
  4. $[QTQ]$
  5. $[QTT]$
  6. $[QTF]$
  7. $[QFQ]$
  8. $[QFT]$
  9. $[QFF]$
  10. $[TQQ]$
  11. $[TQT]$
  12. $[TQF]$
  13. $[TTQ]$
  14. $[TTT]$
  15. $[TTF]$
  16. $[TFQ]$
  17. $[TFT]$
  18. $[TFF]$
  19. $[FQQ]$
  20. $[FQT]$
  21. $[FQF]$
  22. $[FTQ]$
  23. $[FTT]$
  24. $[FTF]$
  25. $[FFQ]$
  26. $[FFT]$
  27. $[FFF]$

The $27 \times 27$ matrix $M$ has entries $M_{ij}=1$ if being in State $i$ will allow you to move to State $j$.

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