Books for pure cryptography.


I am trying to find a"good" book (or a series of "good" books) which covers the following parts in cryptography:

  1. Some background (such as Number Theory, Finite Fields, )
  2. Classical cryptography (I would say private key cryptography)
  3. Public key cryptography
  4. The security models (In particlar, the constructions of protocols with security)
  5. Pairing-based cryptography (the inclusion of elliptic curves in cryptography, as an example)
  6. Lattice-based cryptography (I am really interested in this part)
  7. Fully-homomorphic encryption

Best Answer

I recommend you this book: A course of criptography that you can find here I think it's very good and covers (some in details some not as much) all your arguments.

I recommend you also this site ( which gives you some good references (about 13 new books on criptography).