Book recommendation for “intermediate level”problem book on calculus.

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I finished calculus books like Thomas and currently reading a book on advanced calculus and another one on real analysis.

I noticed recently that I don't solve enough "hard problems".
I usually just solve the exercises on my books.
so I figured that I need problem book(s) on calculus.

I want a book(s) that has many exercise on calculus topics like Limits(without l'hopital) ,derivatives, integrals , series and sequence , multiple integrals etc…
I also want them to be challenging and interesting problems and not "too hard" I consider myself on an intermediate level as the advanced exercises on Thomas book seems very easy to me, I also don't want "forward substitute questions" which is plugging numbers in formulas or straight forward use of a theorem or equation as I want to increase my problem solving skills.

I will appreciate any suggestions
,thank you in advance .

Best Answer

My recommendation would be "Problems in Mathematical Analysis" by Demidovich. The book was written in Russian, but you can find the English translation online. In total there are over 3,000 problems with solutions in the book ranging from complete beginner problems to intermediate/advanced.

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