Book recommendation for Euclidean geometry without coordinates or any modern math (math that has been discovered after the 16th century.)


I want to learn Euclidean geometry But I always find books about it that use coordinates and even some linear algebra and other stuff that was discovered thousands of years after geometry but I want to learn how many ideas of geometry has been discovered and evolved for thousands of years without any modern techniques like analytical geometry or linear algebra or integration …etc.

I also want 3 types of books

1-and the more important books that cover many of theorems of Euclid geometry before Desecrates without coordinates or any modern math like How Archimedes found out the volume of solids like sphere and area of parabolas without integration etc.. .

2-books that are more focus on problem solving and hard and practise questions like IMO training books

3- books that cover more advanced topics in Euclidean geometry after Desecrates that use modern methods.

Best Answer

The book series you are looking for is Kiselev's Geometry. These are small yet beautifully bound hardcover books that cover planimetry and stereometry.

Kiselev's page can be found on Amazonwhich contains both books. I do not recommend buying them there because their price is way off the mark. I have both copies and I don't believe I paid more than $\$30$ for each book. In fact, I may have paid less.

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