Blowup along the fundamental locus of a rational map


Assume $f:X\dashrightarrow Y$ is a rational map between varieties, where $X$ is normal and $Y$ is complete. Then, the fundamental locus the $f$ (which means cannot extend the definition of $f$ on it), say $B$, is of codimension at least two. Intuitively, the map $f$ gives rise to a morphism $\hat f$ defined on $Bl_B X$ in a natural way. Is this intuition correct? And if yes, how can I prove it?


Best Answer

Let me assume that $Y$ is projective. Let $\tilde{X} \subset X \times Y$ be the graph of $f$ (i.e., the closure of the graph of the restriction of $f$ to $X \setminus B$). Then $\tilde{X} \to X$ is a projective birational morphism, hence it is the blowup of an ideal $I$. This ideal is supported on the closed subset $B$, and defines a subscheme structure on it. Thus, the blowup of this subscheme is $\tilde{X}$, and after this blowup the map becomes regular.