Blow-up of a surface at a point living inside a curve


Let $C$ be a curve lying on a smooth surface $X$ in $\mathbb P^3$. Let $P$ be a singular point of $C$ and $m$ is the multiplicity of $C$ at $p$. If we consider the blow – up $\pi : B \to X$ of $X$ at $p$ and denote $ C'$ to be the strict transform of $C$ by $\pi $ and $E$ to be the exceptional divisor, then is the following true : $ \pi ^*C = C' + m E$ ?

Can anyone give me any reference on this.

Any help from anyone is welcome

Best Answer

This is a community wiki post consisting of the answer from the comments, in order to remove this question from the unanswered queue.

Prop 3.6 of chapter V of Hartshorne – peter a g

Here is the statement of the proposition (with some clarifying language on the assumptions):

Proposition 3.6. Let $X$ be a smooth surface. Let $C$ be an effective divisor on $X$, let $P$ be a point of multiplicity $r$ on $C$, and let $\pi:\widetilde{X}\to X$ be the monoidal transformation with center $P$ (the blowup of $X$ at $P$). Then $$ \pi^*C = \widetilde{C} + rE$$ where $\widetilde{C}$ is the strict transform of $C$.

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