Birthday Problem: Justify Why $n$ is Greater Than $\frac{365}{2}$


Problem (skip to part d): Ignoring leap days, the days of the year can be numbered $1$ to $365$. Assume that birthdays
are equally likely to fall on any day of the year. Consider a group of $n$ people, of which
you are not a member. An element of the sample space $Ω$ will be a sequence of n birthdays
(one for each person).

(a) Define the probability function $P$ for $Ω$.

(b) Consider the following events:
$A$: “someone in the group shares your birthday”
$B$: “some two people in the group share a birthday”
$C$: “some three people in the group share a birthday”
Carefully describe the subset of $Ω$ that corresponds to each event.

(c) Find an exact formula for $P(A)$. What is the smallest $n$ such that $P(A) > .5$?

(d) Justify why $n$ is greater than $\frac{365}{2}$ without doing any computation. (We are looking for
a short answer giving a heuristic sense of why this is so.)

Solution provided for part d: While $\frac{365}{2}$ different birthdays would have a $50$ percent chance of matching your
birthday, $\frac{365}{2}$ people probably don’t all have different birthdays, so they have a less than
$50$ percent chance of matching.

My confusion: I get that a person's birthday has a 50% chance of landing in one half of all possible birthdays. How does other people having the same birthday as you affect this fact? And what is the justification for why $n$ is greater than $\frac{365}{2}$? I understood all other previous parts of the question but on this part I am now lost.

Best Answer

While $\frac{365}{2}$ different birthdays would have a $50$ percent chance of matching your birthday

You said that you get how a person's birthday has a $50\%$ chance of landing in one half of all possible birthdays. Imagine if $\frac{365}{2}$ distinct days were chosen, and then your birthday was randomly chosen (out of all possible days). There's a $50\%$ chance your birthday is one of those days. Other people having the same birthday as you doesn't affect this. However,

$\frac{365}{2}$ people probably don’t all have different birthdays, so they have a less than $50$ percent chance of matching.

There are almost definitely overlaps amongst themselves for the birthdays of the $\frac{365}{2}$ people, so they likely don't all have distinct birthdays. Instead, it's less than $\frac{365}{2}$ distinct birthdays. Thus, $n > \frac{365}{2}$ to make up for this discrepancy.

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