Binomial identity involving central binomial coefficient

binomial-coefficientscalculuscombinatoricshypergeometric function

I came across this nice binomial identity

$${‎‎\sum}_{k=0}^{2n} \frac{(-1)^k {2n \choose k} {2k \choose k}}{n+k \choose k} = 1$$

This is equivalent to the hypergeometric function ${}_2 F_1(-2n, 1/2; n+1; 4)$. I am having a hard time trying to prove this. Can someone help me with a hint to prove this?

Best Answer

Let $F(n,k)=(-1)^k\binom{2n}k\binom{2k}{k}\big/\binom{n+k}{k}$ be the summand, and let $S_n=\sum_{k=0}^{2n}F(n,k)$ be the sum to be computed. Let $$ G(n,k)=(-1)^k\binom{2n}{k-2}\binom{2k}{k}\Big/\binom{n+k}{k}. $$ You can show, through tedious algebraic manipulations alone, that for all $n,k\ge 0$, $$ 3(F(n,k)-F(n+1,k))=G(n,k+1)-G(n,k).\tag{*} $$ Specifically, write both sides in terms of factorials, then cancel common factorial terms until all that remains is a rational equation in $n,k$, which can be proven by clearing denominators and polynomial manipulation.

Summing both sides of $(*)$ from $k=0$ to $2n+2$, you get that $$ 3S_{n}-3S_{n+1}=G(n,2n+3)-G(n,0)=0-0=0. $$ This proves that $S_{n}$ is independent of $n$, so you need only verify that $S_0=1$ to prove $S_n=1$ for all $n$.

If you are wondering where $G(n,k)$ came from, it is of the form $G(n,k)=F(n,k)\cdot R(n,k),$ where $$R(n,k)=k(k-1)/(2n-k+1)(2n-k+2),$$ after canceling some common factors, necessary to prevent division by zero. This function $R(n,k)$ which causes $(*)$ to be satisfied can be found using Zeilberger's algorithm. For example, in Maxima, you can use the commands

Zeilberger((-1)^k * binomial(2*n, k) * binomial(2*k, k) / binomial(n + k, k), k, n);

to get both the coefficients $[3,-3]$ on the LHS of $(*)$, and $R(n,k)$. You can see for yourself by copy pasting those commands into this online Maxima compiler.

My purpose in including this explanation is to help spread the word that a proof of "any" summation identity with binomial coefficients can be found automatically with the right computer program. For anyone who encounters complicated binomial summations like this a lot, this power is very desirable! In fact, if you only have the summation, you can determine if a closed form exists using the same algorithm. The exact requirements on the "any" part are described in the book $A = B$, available for free online: A = B on Herbert Wilf's website. This is a must-read for anyone who wants this power.

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