Big Integer Base Converter


I need to convert some really big numbers from base-10 to base-8. All online converters I found cap the conversion at around 20 digits. Are there any downloadable programs with no digit limit? I'm running Windows 10, but Linux or Mac are possibilities if necessary to accomplish this.

Best Answer

Python (the programming language and environment, you can download the IDLE environment on Windows, e.g.) has support for arbitrary precision integers (bigint) natively. It's not hard to convert bases using this (oct and hex are built-in functions). One can easily make a command line tool to do this (e.g. to treat numbers stored in a file if size is too large to write the numbers on the command line).

On MacOS and most Linuces python comes pre-installed. So nothing to do there.

It's free, easy to learn and requires no internet connection (as opposed to online tools). Check it out.

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