Between two Real Numbers exists Rational Number


I can't understand the following proof I found in Rudin, "Principles of mathematical analysis".

This is the statement: if $x\in\mathbb{R}, y\in\mathbb{R}$ and $x<y$, then there exists $p\in\mathbb{Q}$ such that $x<p<y$.

Here is the proof I can't understand.


1) Since $x<y$, we have $y-x>0$ (ok, I got it)

2) Archimedean principle furnishes a positive integer $n$ such that $n(y-x)>1$ (ok)

3) Apply archimedean principle again to obtain positive integers $m_1,m_2$ such that $m_1>nx$ and $m_2>-nx$ (ok)

4) Then $-m_2<nx<m_1$ (ok)

5) Hence there is an integer $m$ (with $-m_2\leq m\leq m_1$) such that $m-1\leq nx< m$

Here is where I have some problems. Why do I need integers $-m_2$ and $m_1$? Couldn't just say: every real number lies between an integer and its successor? Moreover, even knowing the existence of integers $m_1, m_2$, how do I deduce the fact that $m$ exists with that property?

6) If we combine these inequalities, we obtain $nx<m\leq 1*nx<ny$ (ok)

7) Since $n>0$, it follows that $x<\frac{m}{n}<y$ (ok)

8) Take $p=\frac{m}{n}$. (ok)

Best Answer

"Couldn't just say: every real number lies between an integer and its successor?"

You could say that, but could you prove it? That's what Rudin is doing.

Moreover, even knowing the existence of integers $m_1,m_2$, how do I deduce the fact that $m$ exists with that property?

The set of integers $k$ such that $nx < k$ is nonempty (since it contains $m_1$) and bounded below (by $m_2$), so it has a minimal element: that is $m$.

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