Beta distribution as ratio gamma distributions

beta functiongamma distribution

I need a proof of this statement please:

Let $Y_1$ and $Y_2$ be independent random variables, where $Y_1$ is gamma distributed with parameters $\alpha$ and 1 and $Y_2$ is gamma distributed with parameters $\beta$ and 1. Then the random variable $X$ presented by the following formula:
\begin{equation} \label{lemma5}
\displaystyle X = \frac{Y_1}{Y_1+Y_2}

is beta distributed with parameters $\alpha$ and $\beta$.

Best Answer

It is not difficult. I cannot show you the entire proof because you question is without your own work but this is a useful hint:

To simplify the notation, let me set $X,Y$ as the two independent Gamma rv and let's derive the law of


The starting point is the following system

$$\begin{cases} u=\frac{x}{x+y} \\ v=x \end{cases}\rightarrow \begin{cases} x=v \\ y=v\frac{1-u}{u} \end{cases}$$

with Jacobian $|J|=\frac{v}{u^2}$

Substitute in $f_{XY}(x,y)$ and solve the integral in $dv$ finding your beta density. It is not difficult so show your works amending your question and, just in case, I will take you to the solution

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