Best way to cut a pineapple ring


I like to prepare pineapples by first cutting it into rounds and then slicing off the skin with a roast beef slicer. This leaves me with a hexagon "ring" around a circular core:

A pineapple ring

I then don't want to dirty another knife to core it, so I just reuse the beef slicer. But it's too big for precise cuts, so I have to cut all the way across the ring. Normally a cut a small square around the core, like this:

Four cuts around a ring

The problem is this leaves me with unequal pieces— the first piece is much bigger and the fourth piece is much smaller. How can I make N cuts, each across the entire remaining core, so that I'm left with a set of pieces that are as close in area to each other as possible? I don't care about them having the same shape, just that they have the same area. N doesn't have to be 4, though I'd really prefer to keep it under 6 or so. Some waste around the core is ok.

Best Answer

For four equal pieces in four cuts you could try something like this: enter image description here