Be good at coming up with counter example in Topology


This is a more generalized question, but does anyone have a set of tips or tricks to come up with distinctive examples and counterexamples in Topology and Analysis? More specific, how can people often come up with exotic sequence or mappings between spaces? I can understand the intuition behind some of the simple fractions in the by playing with simple fractions like $\frac{1}{n}$, but it seems bizarre to me at this moment how people just come up with maps involving complex numbers, trigonometry between exotic spaces out of nowhere

Best Answer

I think that it would indeed be odd for people to come up with exotic counterexamples to innocuous conjectures out of nowhere, as you say. Really, what is guiding those counterexamples is a lot of time and experience spent with problems and the material. When you are reading the statement of a theorem, try seeing what happens when you omit a hypothesis to see what may go wrong, and talk to people about it, either here online or in person to share your thoughts. The more you learn, the more connections you will make, and eventually you will begin to see more as you synthesize that knowledge.

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