Basis of tangent space as kernel of differential form

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Let $\alpha = 8dx – 4dy + 2dz$. Find a basis for the kernel of $\alpha$ in $\mathbb{R}^4$.

Here I am trying to say that the kernel of $\alpha$ will generate a tangent space for $\alpha = 2xdx-2ydy+2zdz-2wdw$ at $(4,2,1,0)$ on the hypersurface $x^2-y^2+z^2-w^2=1$.

For example, take $\omega=2dx$. Then $\ker\omega= \rm{span}\left(\frac{\partial}{\partial y},\frac{\partial}{\partial z}, \frac{\partial}{\partial w}\right)$ since applying $2dx$ to these vectors gives $0$. I cannot figure out how to use the same reasoning for $\alpha$?

Best Answer

Perhaps you can just use the definition of kernel. A vector in $\mathbb R^4$ is a combination $X = a\partial_x + b \partial_y + c\partial_z + d\partial_w$. Then $X$ sits in the kernel of $\alpha$ if $\alpha(X) = 0$, which gives $$8a-4b+2c=0, \quad d \in \mathbb R.$$ Therefore $c=2b-4a$ and $X=a\partial_x + b\partial_y + (2b-4a)\partial_z+d\partial_w$. So the kernel of $\alpha$ is given by the span of $\partial_x - 4\partial_z, \partial_y + 2\partial_z, \partial_w$, and is thus three-dimensional.